
Mount and blade followers
Mount and blade followers

Once that is done you will create a Clan name for the new clan. Once you have promoted a companion one of the things you are required to do is to gift them one of the fiefs that you have available. But what does this actually mean? Well, when you promote one of your companions you are essentially allowing them to start their own clan. Since update 1.6.4 the player is now able to ‘promote’ a companion and reward them for their service to you. What Does Promoting a Companion Actually Do in Bannerlord? What Does it Mean to ‘Promote’ a Companion? You can select any of the headings in the Contents below to jump straight to that section of the page. It will show you the process on how to actually promote a companion and show you what you need. This process can be quite confusing to figure out so this article will focus on showing you some of the reasons you may (or may not want to) promote a companion to act as a vassal. This can be a great way for you to grow your kingdom, especially if you have founded your own kingdom instead of joining one of the many factions available in the game. This will allow your companions to serve you as a vassal instead of directly being apart of your clan. One of the most recent features added to Mount and Blade: Bannerlord’s lengthy early access period is the ability to promote your favorite companions.

Mount and blade followers